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#SafeWinterDriving by Jason Winter

“Driving requires all the care and caution possible any time of year. But winter driving has even greater challenges because of wet and icy road surfaces, longer hours of darkness and poor visibility because of snow, rain and fog,” says Jason Winter, KTL SHEQ Advisor.

Top #10 Safe Driving Tips:

  1. Allow additional time to get to your destination

  2. Plan your journey; take short breaks if going long distance

  3. Tune into the radio and listen to the weather reports

  4. Stay calm particularly during slow-moving traffic

  5. Keep a safe distance between you and other vehicles

  6. Keep your car well-maintained – check tyre thread and lights regularly

  7. Clean windows and headlights frequently – keep your windscreen washer fluid topped up

  8. In wet weather, avoid deep puddles, where possible

  9. Drive appropriately for the road conditions, if wet roads cause you to lose control, take your foot off the accelerator until the car slows down

  10. Plan your moves carefully – never jam on your breaks in slippery conditions. Pump your breaks until the car slows down.

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