On day three of #CIFSafety21 ‘Work Safe at Height’, Gravity Kills for Construction Safety week, KTL would like to emphasise how safety at height is paramount in the workplace.
In 2020/21, 35 fatal injuries were due to falls from a height accounting for 25% of all worker deaths over the year source.
The main hazards of work at height are:
• Person(s) falling e.g. Whilst unloading/loading a vehicle with no edge protection.
• Person(s) falling into an excavation hole at ground level
• Person(s) falling from antenna masts
• Falling object(s) injuring people or damaging property below.
• Falls from collapsing structures, e.g. Fragile roofs.
Safety Requirements
• Avoid or eliminate risk.
• Carry out risk assessment prior to work.
• Apply controls applied in priority order.
• Monitor and review controls.
• Ensure emergency arrangements are in place.
• Implement maintenance procedures.
• Provide information and training.