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Don’t suffer in silence - a problem shared, is a problem halved

'A problem shared is a problem halved'. This is a proverb that we can all relate to, it means that if you are having difficulties in life, it is easier to deal with them if you talk to someone about the issue.

The majority of people will face challenges in their life be it, bereavement, loss of job, financial issues, anxiety, depression, stress and many more. Each person’s struggle is unique to them, and many can cope and move through these tough times themselves, or with the support of friends and family.

For others, the challenges may become overwhelming, and they find it hard to manage everyday life. A person might feel ashamed or helpless and may not want to talk to family or friends, so they carry the burden alone.

Talking through a challenge can help relieve some of the burden – this could be a conversation with a friend or colleague. It could help greatly and is a good place to start. Others may prefer to talk to someone that they don’t know and will be impartial.

Counselling can be very beneficial as the counsellor is unbiased and there solely for the benefit of the client. They are trained in supporting and advising in a professional capacity, it is a private space for you to discuss your issues and try to find a way to move forward.

During the first counselling session the counsellor will ask some initial questions e.g. the reason you decided you need therapy and what you would like to achieve? These questions enable the counsellor to decide what type of therapy will benefit you. A counsellor is non-judgemental and supportive. Their role is to help you find solutions, teach you coping mechanisms, support you through the challenging time and encourage personal development. The number of therapy sessions with a counsellor can vary depending on the circumstances and the level of support required.

If you decide that you need to go to counselling, you should be very proud of yourself as it is not always easy to admit you need help. Asking for help or support isn’t a sign of weakness, in my opinion it’s a sign of strength. The initial contact is probably the hardest, although once you have made the decision, you may feel better as you are taking control of your situation.

Unfortunately, there is still a stigma around mental health and as a result of this a lot of people continue to suffer in silence. The only way to combat this stigma is to talk openly about mental health issues, the way you would talk about any other illness. People don’t hide the fact that they attend physiotherapy for a bad back or an ENT Consultant for sinus issues, so why do we feel the need to hide the fact we attend a professional for mental health treatment?

If you feel you need support, please use KTLs employee assistance programme, it is completely confidential, you don’t need to tell anyone, unless of course you want to.

For Ireland go to and for the UK go to

Article was written and submitted by Claire Scally, SHEQ Training and Wellbeing Coordinator KTL.


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