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KTL’s 50-Day Exercise Challenge 2023

KTL’s 50-Day Exercise Challenge 2023

23rd January – 16th March

This year we are excited to run a 50-Day Exercise Challenge and we are inviting all staff to participate and join in!

What is the challenge?

Get out the door for some fresh air - walk, jog, slog (slow jog), bike or run a minimum of 2km each day or 20 minutes for 50 days.

An important part of this challenge is consistency; forming a new habit by doing some form of exercise every day will have long term positive benefits.

How do I join?

Simply submit your name to Scott Goggins to participate. He will assign you a number, which will be yours for the challenge and will be used to enter the prize draw.

What are the prizes?

There are five prizes of €100/£100 cash vouchers up for grabs. Participation in the full 50-day challenge is required to enter the prize draw. Please see small print below for more details. The cash vouchers can be used to have a hotel break, afternoon tea with a friend, a trip to the Zoo with the family or even towards new fitness clothing!

How do I track my exercise?

You can track your distance, duration several ways, including:

  • A pedometer

  • A wearable fitness tracker (such as a Fitbit/Apple Watch)

  • Also, by downloading an app on your phone, such as:

Android: Leap Fitness Group Step Tracker

Apple: Pacer Pedometer and Step Tracker

Some phones may already have an inbuilt fitness tracker

Get as much exercise as you can!

  • Lunch hour - use your lunch hour to get in a power-walk or use the time to walk/jog to complete your errands.

  • Walk the dog – a walk can make a dog and their owner/family very happy – schedule this into your daily exercise plan morning, afternoon, or evening.

  • Get fit with friends - when a friend or family member suggests getting together propose a walk-and-talk catch up!

The small print

  • A minimum of 2km per day or 20 minutes per day. This goal must be completed every day for the 50-day period; consistency is key.

  • Each person participating in this challenge must submit proof of their weekly activity showing individual days (screenshot of app, photo of Fitbit watch/Pedometer etc.). It will need to be submitted to Scott Goggins by 12pm on Monday’s each week (strict cut off on time).

  • This 50-day challenge is open to direct staff members and contractors.

  • All participants who complete this exercise challenge for the full 50-days will be entered into the prize draw to win one of five €100/£100 cash vouchers.

Join today!

Email Scott Goggins by Monday 23rd January to participate.

Remember making a few simple changes to your life to do more exercise and you’ll be in better shape in weeks – no equipment, no changing rooms, no fancy clothing required.


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