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KTL Tech Evolution

Where is tech going? KTL looks to the future

Alan Hanamy


The technological boom that has occurred in the 25 years since KTL was launched is not something anyone could have predicted.

Remember Microsoft ’98? Remember the dial-up tone? Remember fax machines? The world is progressing quickly, and the key for everyone in the telecoms & power industries is to keep up – or, as KTL CEO Alan Hanamy is determined to do, stay ahead of it.

As the saying goes, it isn’t where you came from but where you are going to. KTL is excited to be celebrating it’s 25-year anniversary this year, but as we reflect on the past, it’s interesting how everyone at the company is more inspired for the future.

Perhaps it’s reflecting on what we have achieved, and how the power and telecoms industries have changed during our tenure. It serves as a reminder for just how vast and fast the technological evolution has been – how unpredictable the future is, and how much we need to do to prepare for it.

From day one, innovation was key to KTL’s success. There was essentially a ban on the word ‘impossible’. If there was a problem, there was a solution – it was simply a matter of finding or creating it. It is that attitude that I believe prepares us best for the future.

So far, our technological journey has looked like this: Groundworks; Tower & Pylon erection; civils design; OHL Stringing; RAN & Tx rigging; RAN & Tx design; commissioning and integration; e2e network rollout; e2e enterprise services; in-building solutions; Tech Services provider. There has been a logical flow to our development, and our aim is to continue that seamlessly as the industries evolve.

Both the power and telecoms industries face massive increases in demand in the short, medium, and long term.

The way we heat our homes and the roll-out of Electric Vehicles are among the major changes already ongoing in the Power Sector. Environmental challenges such as carbon footprint reduction will drive massive change in how we do things. Very soon there will be no internal combustion engines, no burning of fossil fuels for heating our buildings, and loads of wind and solar power generation. There will be distributed electricity storage e.g. in cars and houses. The electrical transmission and distribution grids need to be strengthened and upgraded to support this.

In the Telecoms Sector, the exponential growth in mobile data traffic is not slowing down, requiring constant Network upgrades. People won’t stop using mobile phones anytime soon!

There will be lots of changes in the service delivery model to support that, requiring service providers like KTL to be more and more flexible and innovative. There are lots of challenges and risks, but KTL is well placed to embrace them. Being pro-active and prepared for change is not new to us. Our experience will guide our future, as we continue to invest in people and process development.


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