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Matthew Haley was one of the top performers during KTL’s extremely successful Let’s Get Moving Steps

The challenge which ran from January 11th to the 7th of February 2021 saw some incredible team and individual results.

We recently interviewed Matthew about his role at KTL and as a team captain for the steps challenge.

What is your role at KTL?

I’m a Senior Project Manager for KTL’s telecommunication client projects. My role involves the day-to-day overall project delivery of large network builds utilising multiple technologies. I am currently office based while conducting one field audit per quarter.

How have you found working from home and the impact of COVID-19 on how you do your work?

Due to living in God’s country - Yorkshire, I am 80 miles from the UK KTL office. Prior to the pandemic, I was already working from home three or four days per week so the change to five days was not an issue.

With the increased screen time due to not being in the office and having face-to-face meetings this resulted in less exercise in 2020, albeit the dark Northern days and the rain don’t help.

Why did you get involved in the steps challenge?

I wanted to challenge myself, or mainly my routine. It’s easy to stay in a warm bed if the gym is closed, or if it’s cold and rainy outside. This led to a 06:30 start in front of the laptop and invariably ending around 1900. I wanted this to change.

Would you consider yourself an active person before doing the steps challenge?

Yes. Having a dog helps and living where I do is also a bonus. I ride around 200km per week, and I hit the Dales for a 20km mountain walk most Saturdays.

The steps challenge has galvanised my focus on health. The drudgery of last year’s lockdown work-home routine has gone, and balanced more active routine has replaced it and I did enjoy the competitive edge - it is a bit of fun!

What is motivating you to get out and do your steps each day?  

Firstly, I was a team captain, and therefore had to “step up”. The other motivator has been preservation of my health. I need to be mentally alert and fresh and feel being outdoors and doing my exercise really helps.

2021 for me is about efficiencies. If I can be more efficient at work, I will be happier.

What did you find difficult about the steps challenge?

You can’t have it all your own way. A day with responsibilities sometimes takes over, so you end up trying to hit your benchmark at the end of the day. The frozen conditions didn’t help in week two but I got through it. I had to make a note to self; don’t run on ice at 05:30, especially when you have just turned 50!

What are the main benefits from doing the steps challenge?

Having 60-90 minutes anaerobic exercise before 07:30 in the morning has given me a renewed energy for the day and walking post 18:00 in the evening seeing so many villagers doing the same is so uplifting. The steps challenge is step one towards being ready for summer and also the cricket season!

What would be your advice to others considering doing more exercise?

Do more, in small bursts, and mix things up. Don’t let the exercise become boring or routine. Most of all, just enjoy what daylight you have. Do things that require activity but have targets to help motiviate.


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